Simple Introduction to Zen | In Essence Zen is Simple!
A Simple Introduction to Zen with SuZen: Practices in Zen and Ancient Teachings make our life simpler and more heart-based.
Susan's very simple introduction to zen and a daily zen practice: because in essence zen is simple!
"When our life is simpler and more heart-based, we can live as a Total Person – from your intuition as much as your intellect, from your instinct as much as emotion: balanced and happy."
Practices in zen and ancient teachings make our life simpler and more heart-based . . .
You'll be accessing video teachings from the SuZen archives - and you have unlimited access | 7 days of video teachings . . . small steps which will take you a long way on your path: the daily steps are self-guided so do please progress at your own pace.
Here's the daily content:
Simple Introduction to Zen | A short introduction to Zen, in my Suzen teaching style “Zenity”: living simply in daily life, with Buddha-Body-Wisdom nature.
I'm including my short guidance to practice today, in case you haven't practised with me before. I recommend you watch it as often as you need to. It's old video as I've been teaching a long time, I still like it so I re-recorded my voiceover!
Today before we start on our Zazen, zen meditation practice, I'd like you to practice with waking up the spine in preparation for meditation . . . I'd really encourage you to practice this before each of our Zazen sessions, in just a short couple of minutes it helps so much with the posture and being comfortable in sitting.
Sitting Zazen and the settling into the posture | This is session 1 in my teaching for sitting Zazen, in Zen meditation. It’s an old video and I’ve re-recorded the voiceover of my teaching – I like the way we show so many ways of how to make a meditation space because zazen is not about wearing black robes and living in a monastery [although we do keep distractions to a minimum].
The Meditation Hand Mudra in sitting Zazen: this is an old video with newly recorded voice teaching, but it’s so useful for showing different ways of sitting, and arranging your space for meditation.
Sitting Zazen: the art and the mind. Zazen is the silent sitting Zen meditation:
“but what do I do with my mind?” is the usual question.
The art of Zazen and our attitude to practice.
“There is no goal.”
A satsang or teaching : “Not Two” is what the Zen Patriarch T’seng Sang used to shout at his students: Not two! Not two!
“Not Two”
A longer practice in sitting Zazen | 15 minutes.
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Namaste, SuZen
You'll be accessing video teachings from my SuZen archives - and you have unlimited access | 7 daily teachings . . . which will take you a long way on your path of practice.You'll receive an email with a nice "thank you" with a link to your downloads or the App.